Cyril Ramaphosa:A new dawn within the African National Congress

Ntsikayezwe Yahya Fakude
4 min readJan 30, 2018


In today’s continental epoch the emergence of Matemala Cyril Ramaphosa as the new President of the African National Congress(ANC) in many aspects not only represents a new beginning for the populace of South Africa but a noteworthy victory with regard to the ideals of Pan-Africanism. Nevertheless, although the current deputy president defeated President Jacob Zuma’s preferential candidate in a narrow victory, Cyril Ramaphosa now faces the challenge of reinstalling the faith of South African citizens in the ANC after the presidential idiom of Jacob Zuma. Consequently it is as a result of this veracity that in this essay will be providing a brief history behind the new president of African National Congress .I will then secondly discuss the grievances which lead Jacob Zuma to become one of the most infamous South African presidents since the Post-Apartheid Era. I will then thirdly conclude this discussion with several recommendations on how to regain the light of this pious constituency with regards to moving forward.

Matemela Cyril Ramaphosa was born within the Transvaal now known as Gauteng on November 17th 1952 in South Africa. Cyril Ramaphosa like many black South African’s under the apartheid regime grew up sprawling the township of Soweto and in his late teens moved to complete his education at a pastoral boarding school located within the Transvaal. Cyril Ramaphosa became heavily involved in student politics at his time in the tertiary didactic environment. Throughout the course of his academic journey Cyril Ramaphosa became the chairman of two local black consciousness movements, earning his reputation in the 1970’s along with many other student activists as one of South Africa’s greatest anti-apartheid hero’s. Although Ramphosa like many activists spent time in detention he was able to complete his law degree through correspondence in 1981.As a corollary of his permanent role in extra-parliamentary politics with regard to his efforts in the National Union of Mineworkers as well as various South African trade unions in the 1980’s, he was elected secretary general of the ANC in 1991.

On December 18th 2007 Jacob Gedleyihlekisa Zuma became president of the African National Congress at the party’s 52nd annual national conference in Limpopo, Polokwane. Jacob Zuma pulled a total of 2329 votes against Thabo Mbeki to secure presidency over the political conglomerate. During his inauguration Jacob Zuma placed great emphasis on the importance of “Ubuntu” also known as unity amongst the organisation as being of vital consequence. In addition to this statement Jacob Zuma paid respect to Thabo Mbeki, with regard to not only all the work he had done for the ANC over the years but the country of South Africa as a constituency. Nevertheless shortly after Jacob Zuma’s inauguration as ANC president and Future president to the populace of South Africa we were granted a glimpse at the injustices his reign would bring. Shortly after his ascendency to president of the ANC the National Prosecuting Authority served Jacob Zuma with a denunciation of charges ranging from not only corruption but fraud and money laundering.

Nonetheless once the high court ruled that charges of corruption where made under unlawful procedural grounds on May 6th 2009 Jacob Zuma became inaugurated President of South Africa, stating at the Union Building that he would only serve one term. Although both Jacob Zuma’s terms in presidency have been surrounded by not only corruption, manipulation and ceaseless conflict it was ultimately the upgrades made to his residential home in “Nkandla” Kwazulu-Natal which gave him the title of one of South Africa’s worst presidents since the dawn of democracy within the region. This veracity is however centred upon the fact that 77 million rand of tax-payer funding intended for city generation was used to conduct these upgrades. Additionally President Jacob Zuma’s response to these allegations has marked one of the most controversial breaches of recent history with regard to parliamentary law.

Hence Forth in conclusion it is my opinion that the election of Cyril Ramaphosa as the new president of the African National Congress not only ensures the populace of South Africa with a new-fangled leader. But, the hope of a nation centred upon the ideals of democracy, Justice and equality for all. Going into the role of ANC president it is however essential that before the recent elections this conglomerate aims to regain the trust of its citizens through the establishment of a government that is not only more transparent but communicates with its public further. It is my belief that by following these recommendations the African National Congress under the guidance of Cyril Ramaphosa will be able to secure a brighter future for South Africa

