From San Pedro Sula to Santo Domingo: Our Caribbean Adventure Hack

Ntsikayezwe Yahya Fakude
6 min readOct 6, 2024


Whenever I think about the Dominican Republic, my mind immediately drifts to the sounds of bachata, merengue, and reggaeton. But trust me, this country is so much more than just its lively music. Nestled in the heart of the Caribbean, the Dominican Republic is a vibrant gem full of surprises — from its incredible cuisine and stunning landscapes to its rich history and culture. Beyond the irresistible beats, it’s a paradise for seafood lovers, beachgoers, and sunset chasers alike.

When my partner and I touched down in Santo Domingo, we had no idea what we were in for. This city, one of the oldest colonial outposts in the Americas, took us on a rollercoaster of unexpected twists, turns, and delightful surprises. From the trials of navigating its bustling streets to the rewards of discovering its hidden gems, Santo Domingo was an adventure in every sense.

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So, if you’re considering the Dominican Republic as your next vacation spot — congratulations, you’ve hit the jackpot. Let me take you on our journey and share some insider tips that will make your trip just as unforgettable.

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How Did We Get There?

Getting there? Well, that was an adventure all on its own! When we first started searching for flights, we were floored — prices from San Pedro Sula were going from $3,000 to $4,000. Seriously?! For a place so close to Central America? It felt like some cruel joke tied to the upcoming Francisco Morazán holiday. The Caribbean gods must’ve been having a laugh at our expense. Just as we were about to give up and flop back on the couch, we had a lightbulb moment: why not check flights from Guatemala City? It’s just a bus ride away from San Pedro Sula, after all.

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And boom, there it was — tickets from Guatemala City for $600 to $700! My partner and I high-fived like we’d just cracked some ancient travel code. Sure, getting to Guatemala was a little extra work, but for those savings? Worth every bit. If you’re planning a trip from the USA, flights might be a little cheaper, but if you’re in Central America like us, it pays to look at nearby hubs like Guatemala, El Salvador, or Panama. You’ll save a ton, and hey, more money for fun on the beach, right?

What Was It Like?

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The Dominican Republic hit us with surprise after surprise, starting with the airport. For some reason, we had braced ourselves for chaos — loud reggaeton, bustling crowds, and general mayhem. But when we landed? Silence. Calm. The airport was so organized, I had to pinch myself. I looked at my partner and we both had the same expression: “This can’t be right… where’s the noise?”

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Once through customs, we stepped outside and got smacked with the thick, humid Caribbean heat. I mean, it felt like a sauna out there! We’ve been to Caribbean spots like the Bay Islands in Honduras and Tortuga in Costa Rica, but the humidity in Santo Domingo was on a whole different level. Note to self: pack a portable fan next time.

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Our adventure kicked off in Zona Colonial, Santo Domingo’s historic heart. Walking through those cobblestone streets, surrounded by buildings that have stood for centuries, felt like stepping into a time capsule. We dined at some of the nicest restaurants, where the food was a divine mix of Caribbean and Spanish flavors. And here’s the best part: every evening, live music fills the air. Picture this — a park bustling with families, kids playing, and people exercising late into the night, all while a live band strums soulful tunes. I couldn’t help but think, “Man, they know how to live here.”

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Now, despite being a modern city, Santo Domingo definitely operates on island time. Nothing really gets going until after 10 AM, so if you’re an early bird like me, well, be ready to relax with your morning coffee for a while.

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We also visited Los Tres Ojos, a series of jaw-dropping underground lakes. The views there were worth the humidity. Then there was the famed burial site of Christopher Columbus, a grand monument that left us in awe of the country’s deep, tangled history. Along the way, we met locals who were just hilarious and so warm. One standout was Steven, a police officer by day, rapper by night (no joke).

He even gave us a mini-tour of the monuments, all while showing us photos from his rap gigs. How often do you meet a rapping tour guide in uniform?

Was It Safe?

Ah yes, the million-dollar question: is it safe? Like any place in Latin America, Santo Domingo has areas you’ll want to avoid after dark. But honestly, it’s all about being cautious and aware of your surroundings. We stayed near the downtown area, and it felt perfectly safe. We walked around in the evenings, enjoyed street music, and never had an issue. Just do your homework — stick to well-populated areas, and trust your gut. As long as you’re mindful, you’ll have nothing to worry about.


So, if you ever find yourself in Santo Domingo (which I highly recommend), here are some of our top things to do in the city:

Explore Zona Colonial
Wander through the oldest part of the city, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Stroll down Calle Las Damas, the oldest street in the New World, and visit historic landmarks like the Alcázar de Colón and the Cathedral of Santa María la Menor. Every corner here has centuries of stories to share.

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Take a Guided Tour of Santo Domingo
Want the full scoop? Get yourself a local guide. Our guide had us in stitches while educating us on the city’s history. From its colonial past to its vibrant present, a guided tour really helps you uncover the hidden gems of Santo Domingo.

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Visit Los Tres Ojos National Park
Just a quick drive from the city, this park is home to three magical underground lakes nestled within caves. It’s a peaceful escape from the city’s heat and offers a unique glimpse into the Dominican Republic’s natural beauty.

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Check Out the Christopher Columbus Lighthouse (Faro a Colón)
A massive structure that serves as both a monument and museum, it’s a must-see. Plus, it’s home to what many believe to be the remains of Christopher Columbus. History buffs, this one’s for you.

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Stroll Down Calle El Conde
For some local flair, take a walk down this lively pedestrian street in Zona Colonial. It’s lined with shops, cafés, and street performers, making it the perfect spot to soak up the local vibe.

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The Dominican Republic truly is a treasure trove of surprises, and our trip was a blend of history, laughter, and plenty of good food. If you’re thinking about visiting, don’t hesitate — you’ll be in for the adventure of a lifetime!

