“Guatemala: Where Adventure Meets Culture — A Traveler’s Guide to Central America’s Jewel”

Ntsikayezwe Yahya Fakude
6 min readApr 16, 2024


Not all who wander are lost.

-J.RR Token

(Antigua Guatemala 2022 By Ntsikayezwe Yahya Fakude)

As a kid, I was amazed by the legends and tales of Mesoamerican cultures. So, naturally, when I first set foot in Central America, delving into these aspects became my priority. And let me tell you, Guatemala was well with the wait! It’s an absolute gem! Renowned worldwide not just for its breathtaking volcanoes, but also for its mesmerizing waterfalls, diverse wildlife, mouthwatering cuisine, and a distinctive vibe that sets it apart from Mexico.

(Jade Museum Antigua 2023 by Ntsikayezwe Yahya Fakude)

What truly sets Guatemala apart is its steadfast embrace of its rich cultural heritage despite the rapid pace of the digital age. In a world constantly advancing with technological breakthroughs and modern infrastructure, Guatemala stands as a charming throwback to simpler times. So, if you’re anything like me and see Guatemala as your next adventure destination, stick around! I’ve got all the insider tips to share with you.

(Cayalaa,Guatemala by Claudia Maria Zambrano)

Where is Guatemala?

(Photo from Ezilion.com)

With Mexico to the North, Belize, and Honduras to the South, and El Salvador to the East, Guatemala is like a hidden treasure waiting to be discovered. Its history of indigenous roots and influences of Spanish colonialism have had a great influence on its resilience and cultural ingenuity.

With a lively population, where the majority identify as Catholic and a colorful mix of other beliefs, Guatemala is a melting pot of traditions and stories. Despite its two-season climate, this country boasts an expansive landscape covering about 9,833,517 square kilometers. But it’s not just about the numbers; Guatemala offers some of the most breathtaking scenery you’ll ever lay eyes on.

(Volcan Actenango Guatemala 2023 by Ntsikayezwe Yahya Fakude)

What was it like?

( San Pedro Sula Honduras 2023 by Ntsikayezwe Yahya Fakude)

When I got back home, I was amazed at how many friends and coworkers were eager to hear all about my trip. They bombarded me with questions like, “How was it? What was it like? Did you go through the same immigration headaches we did?” But let me tell you, the real challenge we faced while traveling to that region was figuring out the local currency.

(Cayala Guatemala 2023 by Ntsikayezwe Yahya Fakude)

In Guatemala, they use something called the Quetzal, which comes in all kinds of bills and coins, making it a bit tricky to figure out costs sometimes. Oh, and a heads-up for anyone planning to visit: not many locals speak English, so it’s a good idea to brush up on your Spanish or bring a translator to help out. And speaking of advice, I’d highly recommend avoiding public buses — they drive like they’re in a Grand Prix!

(Flores,Guatemala by Ntsikayezwe Yahya Fakude 2023)

Let me share a funny story from my time in Guatemala. Nearly everyone we talked to warned us about the public buses, calling them Chicken Buses. I couldn’t help but wonder why such an odd name for transportation, and let me tell you, they hit the nail on the head!

The bus I took from Antigua to Lake Atitlan was jam-packed. People were carrying everything from babies to baskets of produce — there was even a chicken onboard! Despite the chaos, I decided to dive into the adventure and jumped on anyway. But then, we had a heart-stopping moment when the bus almost crashed into another vehicle while trying to pass it on a cliffside road. The screams woke me up from my nap, and for a moment, we thought we were going to crash.

Luckily, we managed to avoid disaster, but I can say I won’t be taking those buses again anytime soon!


Some recommendations based on our awesome experience. First off, you’ve gotta check out Antigua Guatemala City, and Flores, which is right near the Belize border.

(Guatemala City 2023 By Ntsikayezwe Yahay Fakude)

When you land at La Aurora International Airport, take some time to explore Guatemala City. Trust me, it’s worth it! There are many cool museums, outdoor activities, and restaurants to check out. Plus, the vibe there is just amazing.

(Guatemala City 2022 by Claudia Maria Zambrano Moncada)

While you’re in Antigua, definitely hit up the Volcan Actenango hiking trail. It’s seriously breathtaking! And don’t miss out on Flores, where we spent most of our time exploring the incredible Tikal ruins. It’s like stepping back in time!

(Volcan Actenango by Ntsikayezwe Yahya Fakude)

So, if you’re someone who craves adventure and loves immersing yourself in new experiences, Guatemala is calling your name. Get ready to be captivated by its beauty, enchanted by its culture, and swept away on an unforgettable journey

Was it safe?

So the million-dollar question,” Is Guatemala safe?” Well, it’s kind of like asking if any place is safe, you know? It depends on where you are and what you’re doing. Like, in some parts of Guatemala, especially big cities like Guatemala City, there can be more crime, you know. So, you have to be smart, keep an eye on your stuff, and maybe avoid wandering around alone at night.

(Antigua Guatemala 2023 by Ntsikayezwe Yahya Fakude)

But hey, places like Antigua, Lake Atitlán, and Tikal are usually pretty chill and safe for tourists. Still, it’s always good to stay aware of your surroundings and maybe stick to well-lit areas, especially after dark. Oh, and don’t forget about natural stuff like earthquakes and volcanoes, they can happen too! Overall, if you stay alert, use common sense, and maybe listen to local advice, you can have a rad time in Guatemala without any major issues.

Was it Expensive?

(Guatemala City 2023 by Ntsikayezwe Yahya Fakude)

Guatemala is budget-friendly for tourists, making it a great option for travelers looking to stretch their dollars while still having an incredible experience. Accommodations, meals, transportation, and activities tend to be more affordable compared to many other destinations, which is a big plus.

For those on a tight budget, there are plenty of options like hostels, guesthouses, and budget hotels that won’t break the bank. You can also enjoy delicious and inexpensive meals at street food stalls and local eateries. Plus, public transportation, such as buses, is very cheap and efficient for getting around.

(Antigua Guatemala 2023 by Ntsikayezwe Yahya Fakude)

Of course, there are also opportunities for those looking for a more luxurious experience, with upscale hotels, gourmet restaurants, and high-end tours available in certain areas. But even if you’re not splurging, Guatemala offers plenty of amazing experiences that won’t cost you a fortune. Overall, it’s a great destination for travelers of all budgets.

