“In the Shifting Global Landscape: Assessing China’s Rise and America’s Hegemony”
Throughout history, the United States has undeniably held a dominant position as the leading nation on the global stage. Its influence has shaped socio-economic, political, and cultural landscapes worldwide, serving as a model for aspiring nations. However, in recent times, there has been speculation about whether the United States is gradually losing its status as the foremost global power, particularly as other nations grow and form new alliances.
In the 21st century, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) has emerged as a significant player, displaying unprecedented integration and cooperation on the international stage. Yet, this ascent has sparked concerns among not only countries in the Asia-Pacific region but also within the United States. This raises the question: is China transitioning into a revisionist power seeking to challenge the existing global order, or is it merely aligning with the status quo?
As China’s influence expands globally and its involvement in socio-economic partnerships intensifies, it prompts a critical examination of its foreign policy objectives. Ultimately, the pivotal question remains: is China’s administrative leadership inclined towards reshaping the world order or preserving it?
Consequently, it is as a result of the dimensions imposed by this question that in this essay I will firstly be discussing why the political and economic activity of this regions government raises this enquiry. I will then secondly be arguing the implications of this veracity with regard to this nation-states foreign policy. I will then thirdly be discussing the facets of this occurrence with regard to ideals based on the principals of Behaviourism, institutionalism, liberalism and realism. I will then conclude this discussion with my opinion behind the current eminence of this nation.
Is China a revionist power?
In today’s comprehensive society the United States has branded the Peoples Republic of China as a ‘revonist’ power aiming to change the current status-quo, nevertheless what events lead to this force of circumstance? Before we begin arguing the legitimacy of this branding it is essential that we first discuss the factors which have given the administrative council of this nation this reputation. In today’s 21st century China has experienced more economic activity than ever before in its recorded history, as a consequence of the dimensions imposed by not only the free trade liberalizations but the consequences of the power transition theory. Nevertheless, China’s sheer size, populace in addition to the capabilities of its foreign policy mechanisms have always made it a natural strategic rival against the United States administration. Yet, regardless of this fact is this nation-state becoming a revionist state or is merely still among the status-quo? (Song et al., 2016).
China’s re-emergence as a global economic superpower raises important questions about what we can learn from external and internal threats when analyzing the economic future of nation-states (Wei, Zhou, Li & Huang, 2017). The first argument against China’s revionist status does however rotate around not only China’s commitment to forging new partnerships but alliances with international organisations in comparison to current day hegemonic sovereign nations. On the other hand, the premise that China aims to create a world unethical to United States values and interests and in doing so seeks to displace states within the Indo Pacific region, has been a driving force behind the Trump administrations distrust towards the region.
Examining the Impact of China’s ‘Revionist’ status on its foreign policy
In today’s 21st century the People’s Republic of China portrays itself as a third world country that pursues a foreign policy on the basis of peace and stability, nevertheless what does the new branding of ‘revionist’ imply with regard to this nation-states foreign strategy. Last year the United States national defence strategy revealed that the central challenge to U.S security rotates around the emergence of long-term competitve sovereign nations. Consequently, as a result of the dimensions imposed by this veracity the National Security council now classifies China’s intercontinental activity as being inherently ‘revionist (Chakrabarty, 1976)’. Nevertheless, if the Peoples Republic of China administration is truly a status-quo power it will tend to be naturally satisfied with the global order with regard to the operation of social, political and cultural institutions. On the other hand, if China is a revionist power it will seek to not only change but overturn the norms, mechanisms and institutions of the existing comprehensive order (Cattaneo, Calton & Brodsky, 2014). Nonetheless, there is one primary argument towards this quandary, although the economic and political activity of this expanse poses similar characteristics to revionist activity this branding has facilitated in the creation of a political environment making it almost too costly for China to push for significant change across territorial boarders (Martinot, 2010). On the other hand, we could examine China’s growth through a more warning perspective, as this nation continues to grow in global affluence and power it could very well naturally alter the regional and world order with regard to Western social and cultural mechanisms.
Even so, accessing wither or not an emerging power has revionist intent can change as a states power increases within the global community. Controversially, recent studies conducted by Johnson have revealed Chinese activity with regard to international activity make it more of a status-quo than revionist state (2003).These studies revealed that not only has China become more cooperative and engaged in international politics but diplomacy from the administrative council of this constituency has become based not at odds towards the United States or other major hegemonic actors. The dimensions of this veracity can however be noted as China has become more engaged with regional multilateral diplomacy as a means to address issues like the North Koran Nuclear program(Tan, Han, Zhang, Guo & Yu, 2016). What’s more, China has sought to build relationships with other major international actors whilst emphasising their peaceful intentions to neighbouring sovereign nations.
Is China a status-quo power?
Moreover, China’s commitment to the preservation of the status-quo can further be noted by the formulation of Chinese president Xi Jinping new model of international relations and interstate diplomacy. This new model of international relations aims at the construction of a network where all states can work together to address mutual security issues. On the other hand, some political theorist views XI’s vision as having some revionist tendencies due to the fact that this framework is centred on the formulation of collaborative partnerships as opposed to Western style alliance relationships (Tan, Han, Zhang, Guo & Yu, 2016). Moreover, Xi further emphasised his current akin to the status-quo by signing off on a foreign policy based on the premise ,’building a community for the common destiny of mankind (Tsin, 2007)’.
Nonetheless, China as a socialist republic since it’s trade liberalizations has become an ideal model for the concepts of an open, free and liberal trading order that’s been traditionally sustained by developed nations like the United States and Europe (Martinot, 2010). In addition to this veracity, China is one of the only states to have risen to prominence through the socio-political environment facilitated by Hegemonic nations. Comparatively, many analysts argue from a economic perspective that China enjoys it’s position and status in the world economy, its role in regional and international institutions, its place in the G-2O in addition to its leverage over United States and European nations with regard to all perks that come with having the planets second most powerful economy.
Hence fourth in conclusion, although in all history of the comprehensive arena it goes without saying or question that the United States has held the hegemonic position as not only the most prominent but prevailing nation on the planet, will this always be the case? What’s more, although over the last century this constituency has severed as an administrative beacon of the manner in which weaker developing nations should conduct themselves if they wish to obtain socio-economic, political and cultural prosperity nevertheless, after almost a century of herald ship amongst the global hamlet could the United States be losing its title as the planets most powerful country, as corresponding nations not only continue to grow but develop new alliances? Comparatively, in today’s 21st century the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) has become more integrated and cooperative than ever before in its recorded history, yet there is growing uneasiness from not only Asian Pacific countries but the United States, why?
Nevertheless, The People’s Republic of China’s rising influence in today’s global epoch coupled with its increased global activism with regard to socio-economic partnerships, has raised the question, is China becoming a revisionist power or is it merely still amongst the status-quo? In addition to this veracity, although China has a stronghold within the Asian Maritime and lands, the most important factor when analyzing this issue rotates around whether the administrative council of this nation has focused its foreign policy on changing the world or maintaining it.
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