Timeless Charm: Echoes of Istanbul

Ntsikayezwe Yahya Fakude
6 min readMay 18, 2024


“The journey not the arrival matters.” — T.S. Eliot

(Istanbul Turkey)

When I look back at my travels, few places stand out as beautifully and richly historical as Istanbul. With Turkey’s proximity to South Africa, it has often been a popular vacation spot for my family and me. In my adult life, it’s become a frequent transit point for work trips. But beyond the accessibility and efficiency of its airport, Istanbul has so much to offer.

From charming tea shops to dazzling streets filled with music and dancing, and even ice cream vendors who double as circus performers to attract customers, Istanbul is an amazing city. Every time I’ve visited, I’ve had an absolute blast. If you’re curious about visiting Istanbul for a holiday but are unsure about the logistics, stick around. Today, I’ll be sharing all the tips and tricks to ensure you have an incredible trip.

Where is Istanbul?

(Photo from Britinnia.com)

Istanbul is an incredible city in Turkey that uniquely spans two continents: Europe and Asia. Located in the northwest of the country along the Bosporus Strait, it divides into both Europe and Asia. This vibrant city is rich in history and culture, featuring iconic landmarks like the Hagia Sophia, the Blue Mosque, and the Grand Bazaar.

It’s been known by different names over the centuries, like New Rome and Tsargrad (used in Slavic languages), before becoming Istanbul. It’s a place where the old meets the new, and there’s always something fascinating to discover.

What was it Like?

(Photo by Author)

Man, my trip from Johannesburg to Istanbul was quite an adventure. I arrived at the airport two hours early, breezed through security, and boarded my flight right on time. Little did I know what awaited me in Turkey. It was a whirlwind — Uber drivers who drove like they were in a race, restaurants serving meals with moving parts (yes, really), and some unexpected lessons of humility.

(Photo by Author)

Istanbul is one of the busiest cities I’ve ever visited, buzzing with activity until around 2:00 am. Yet, amidst the hustle and bustle, it’s steeped in history, with stunning colonial architecture on nearly every corner. One of my most memorable experiences was hearing the Athaan, the Islamic call to prayer, for the first time. Broadcast from mosque speakers five times a day, it’s a beautiful reminder of the city’s rich cultural and religious heritage, echoing through the streets and becoming an integral part of Istanbul’s soundscape.

(Photo by Author)

Then there’s the eerie stillness before dawn, around 4:00 am, with not even the sound of birds breaking the silence. This city, known by many names over the centuries like Byzantium and Constantinople, is a marvel of urban layout and historical significance—some parts of Istanbul date back to biblical times, showcasing the city’s incredible longevity.

First Impressions

(Photo by Author)

I’ll never forget my first time leaving the airport in Istanbul. The air was wickedly cold, with a salty tang that wasn’t quite like the ocean. As we drove into the heart of the city, I saw the Bosporus Strait, the iconic divide between Europe and Asia, with the magnificent city of Istanbul perched above it.

The streets of Istanbul were bustling with life, with vendors shouting to sell their goods to cars, scooters, and pedestrians alike. The sidewalks were crowded with a colorful array of products. Despite Turkish being the most commonly spoken language, I found that many locals spoke English. I had learned several phrases in preparation for my trip, but I didn’t really need them — everyone I interacted with spoke English fluently.

(Istanbul Turkey)

Man, I definitely had some interesting encounters during my visits to this city. The first time I went to Turkey as an adult, I was in college. A couple of friends and I decided to go to Thailand but had a layover in Istanbul. Back then, I knew my first stop had to be the Blue Mosque to get a selfie. It’s one of the most iconic landmarks in the city, and I’d heard so much about its fascinating architecture.

Seeing it up close was like a dream come true, especially after learning about it in high school. But let me tell you, our guide for this trip definitely raised some red flags in hindsight, leading to some difficulties, haha.

(Istanbul Turkey)

When we met our guide, Agmir, outside the tram station, he looked much older than we expected. He had this weathered look like he’d lived a lifetime of stories. Despite his age, he still had this strength about him, handing me my backpack for the tour with ease.

As we kicked off the city tour, it quickly became apparent that Agmir struggled to keep up with the pace. He kept telling us not to wait for him, yet he had trouble keeping up. When we tried to gently nudge him to pick up the speed, he got a bit snappy, reminding us to be patient and respect our elders. It was a bit awkward, but we decided to roll with it. Travel has a funny way of throwing curveballs at you, right?

Anyway, despite the hiccup with our guide, we still managed to take in the beauty of Istanbul, including the mesmerizing Blue Mosque. Despite his occasional crankiness, Agmir was quite knowledgeable about the city. He shared stories about the Ottoman Empire and the spice trade battles, painting a vivid picture of Istanbul’s rich history.

(Istanbul, Turkey)

It was impressive, especially considering he claimed to have never been to high school. Yet, he was probably one of the most knowledgeable people I’ve ever met when it comes to Turkey’s history.

(Photo from karas.com)

Now, let’s talk about the food — it was absolutely delicious! Although I must admit, I wish it had a bit more flavor. Turkish cuisine is known for its simplicity, letting the texture and quality of the ingredients speak for themselves. While the meat was incredibly tender, I couldn’t help but crave a bit more seasoning or sauce to elevate the flavors.


(Photo from FoxNews.com)

If you're ever in Istanbul make sure to check out some of these locations to enhance your experience in the city.

1. Hagia Sophia: This incredible building has a rich history, having transitioned from a church to a mosque to a museum. It’s a must-see!

2. Topkapi Palace: Once home to Ottoman sultans, this palace showcases grand architecture and fascinating history.

3. Blue Mosque: Famous for its mesmerizing blue tiles and breathtaking design, it’s truly a sight to behold.

4. Basilica Cistern: Venture underground to explore this eerie site, complete with mysterious Medusa heads.

5. Galata Tower: Climb up for panoramic views of the city — worth every step!

6. Istiklal Avenue: A modern area filled with cool shops and cafes, perfect for a stroll.

7. Grand Bazaar: Dive into this bustling shopper’s paradise, where you can find just about anything.

8. Balat and Fener: These neighborhoods offer colorful streets and chill vibes, perfect for exploring.

9. Suleymaniye Mosque: An architectural masterpiece, this mosque offers stunning views and a serene atmosphere.

10. Princes’ Islands: Take a ferry to these peaceful islands for a day of biking, walking, and enjoying the car-free environment.

